Monday, March 7, 2011

Teaching Science and Humanities with Technology

Part of the focus for ongoing professional development this year at the high school has been learning about new and meaningful ways to implement technology in classroom. I'd like to share two recent classroom activities with you.

First, Tanya Nizam's grade 9 Science class. Tanya has been using blogs to have students share hypotheses and data. They also used the blog to analyze data, charts and the MYP assessment criteria, giving the students the opportunity to comment on each other's posts. It was a great way for the students to be engaged in a virtual discussion that could be happening at any time. Then follow-up discussions in the classroom reinforce the concepts and understandings.

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Second, in Travel and Tourism, Scott Little had students create a "glog" using Glogster. The students' glogs were to showcase an adventure or eco-tourism travel destination of their choice.

One student told me that she felt she learned more by creating a glog, rather than writing an essay, because it was fun to create the glog (so she was more engaged in the activity) and she got to illustrate her travel destination using photos, videos, sound clips, charts and graphs as well as text (addressing multiple intelligences).

Click to see student glogs about Italy, Malacca, Chamonix, Tanzania and Kenya

Enjoy the learning!